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Chamunda Ma Dham Chotila Dungar Gujarat

Chotila is small village of Surendranagar district with population of around 20,000 people . Chotila is locatedbetween Ahmedabad Rajkot highway no. 8A . It is around 170 km away from Ahmedabad and 65 km away from Rajkot . It is also the birth place of Zaverchand Meghani who is very well  known Gujarati poet .

History of Chotila

The area around chotila was called "panchal" , it is the holy and worship place for mata chamunda , Who is one of the 64 Avtars of Shakti . Earlier Chotila was princely state of Khachar dynasty .

About Chamunda Ma

Chamunda ma Chotila

Chamunda is one Avtar of Shakti . Chamunda ma is kuldevi of many hindus . It is believed that Ma killed two dimons names "Chanda" and "Munda" and then she became famous with the name of Chamunda .

Temple on Chotila Dungar

The Mataji Temple at Chotila is situated on Chotila Dungar . Mataji's temple are mostly located on the dungar (hill) in india and the reason for this is that if you want to visit the mata temple , you will have to undergo some physical strain . The total foot steps to reach to chamunda temple at chotila dungar (hill) are 366 and after renovation they are around 700 now . The Chotila Dungar (Hill) is around 1250 feet high and is located around 40 miles away from the Rajkot .